Sunday, December 6, 2009

Modern Day Propoganda, "Modern Day Propoganda against Islam." Dec. 6 2009

This is a very interesting article that talks about our modern day propoganda againt Islam. The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear propoganda is WW1 and WW2. We have not thought that we are being exposed to propoganda today about our current war. We often see headlines such as "Islam: A Killing Cult, not a religion." and "Anti-Muslim Abuse Soars After 7/7." We are always told about the radical Islamics and that they are a killing people but in reality they are a religion of peace. There is a just a very small group that are radical Islamics that practice martyrdom. We are fed these false ideas through the media to justify us going to war. If we were to show pictures of their religion of peace then we would be more likely to fight against America going to war.

I believe it is important to recognize propoganda but I do not believe that it is necessarily bad. I believe that it is positive and raises partiotism and unification amongst our nation. The media feeds us what we want to hear and in reality our government is fighting the "Radical Islamic" people and not the "religion of peace." It is not like this propoganda is totally bogus information that makes us brainwashed war supporters. We are just being shown what the government is fighting and supporting and what we should take into account when deciding our position on these certain topics.


  1. I somewhat disagree with you on this issue. Most propaganda is exaggerated or half truths. Whoever sponsors the propaganda will do or say anything, to get you on their side. I am a firm believer in unbiased factual articles that actually explain what is going on this world, but unfortunately the media doesn't swing that way and never will.

    Propaganda does not always unify our nation. It can divide us and pit us against one another. We have stopped becoming Americans. We have become Republican or Democrat, left or right, pro-war or anti-war. Because of propaganda, people care more about what side you are on than the actual issue. And because of propaganda people do not know the actual facts, they only know what the media is bombarding them with. And they more you hear it, the more you believe it.
    Propaganda can be used for good, but that is rarely done. The media has their own agenda.

    And the radical Islamics are not peaceful. They are the ones that kill for their "religion." It is the normal Islamics that are the peaceful ones.

  2. It is very true that we are heavily exposed to propaganda on this issue. We are fighting this battle and so we need the support of our nation. If we want the support of the people than we mush show them how "bad" it is, and that our great nation must fix their not so great nation. It may be true that we are fighting the radical islamics and not the peaceful ones, but we only show the radical violent ones that we must fight against. The propaganda in our nation tries to sway public opinion to believe what we, the nation, want them to believe in. Propoganda may unify our nation but we may be falsely unified because of this propoganda.
